Posted by: Hope | November 18, 2008

Recommitted to Christ

With great joy and delight I announce that Sunday morning I recommitted my life to Christ. I have, for a very long time, proclaimed myself an Agnostic Atheist, and am proud to say that I do believe in god. I am having a hard time dealing with the change, especially since it has only been a few days.

I am not sure where I stand right now, but I am taking all of the steps I can to ensure that I am heading in the right direction. On Mondays I am meeting with my church counselor, and on Tuesdays I am having meetings with the youth pastor. This should help me since I am unable of making it to church (most of the time) during the week.

So…with great hesitation I jump back in praying all will go well.


  1. I am soooo proud of you Hope! This is the best news I had all day!! 🙂 If there is anything I can do 4 u let me know ok? I am always here 4 u guys!!! luv u and will be praying for u!! Denise

  2. Hope! This is incredible news. Seriously!

  3. it will be a struggle my friend and god likes to sucker punch so hang on as tightly as you are able..

  4. Hope! I am sorry i have been away from blog-world for awhile…and didn’t read this until now! But, I did hear the story from a youth worker named Denise (the commentor above)! I am sure you heard about the funny mix-up? Anyway, I am so excited about your decision to recommit your life!

    Remember, because this is important, the Christian journey is the toughest journey in life…but, the most rewarding when the race is finished. It is easy to live this life for ourselves…not believing that there is anything greater than this world and ourselves. But, it is very difficult trying to live “in the world, but not of it” as the Bible teaches. It wasn’t easy when Jesus was around, and it still isn’t easy today. Remember, to surround yourselves with believers who will encourage you and strengthen your walk. From what it looks like, you are already doing that by meeting with your youth pastor and counselor! That is awesome!

    Many blessings to you!

  5. i’m sorry. running out of time but anyway,i can pray own my own and i still have to continue reading the bible.thank you so much for being a good follower of CHRIST.”GOD SPEED”

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