Posted by: Hope | June 11, 2011

2011 Stanley Cup Finals: My Thoughts

Well, I’m a Red Wings fan and always have been. Of course, I was pretty highly disappointed when we lost to San Jose, and I could probably go on a pretty long spiel about that situation in of itself, but I wont.

Let’s talk about Vancouver and Boston in the actual Finals. Who the hell would have predicted these two teams at the beginning of the season to be going at it in the finals? Not I! First off, I want to congratulate both teams for have making this far, as it is quite a feat for both teams since neither of them have won in many, many years. Hell, Vancouver has been a franchise for I think 40 years now and has never won. I truly don’t care which team wins, but I’m kind of routing for Vancouver for a few reasons.

1) They destroyed San Jose, which made me smile as a Wings fan
2) They’ve never won before and
3) They are just a lot more classy than Boston is.

I don’t respect most of Boston’s players, and I really hate their Captain, Chara. What a douche!
On the other hand, I wouldn’t mind Boston winning because their goalie, Thomas, is from Davison which is not all that far from where I am located. I’d love to have him bring the cup to me.

So, I say. Let’s go boys. Get ‘R Done!

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